New Products and Services
PublishedNew and exciting things are happening at Gratiot Community Credit Union. We always strive to offer products and services that will make managing your finances more convenient without sacrificing security. Did you know that your credit union has introduced a mobile app that utilizes pin, facial, voice, or finger print recognition for a log-in? Did you know that with this same app you can now deposit checks without ever stepping foot in the credit union simply by taking a picture of your check with your phone? Did you know that if you hold a GCCU credit card, it can now be placed into the mobile wallet of your phone? And last but not least, we have a new debit card app, Card Valet ©, that will allow you to place security controls on your phone which includes turning your card on & off? Also on the near horizon is an updated website, and debit cards for business accounts. Your credit union may be small but it has big dreams for its members. Dreams that we enjoy making a reality!